If you are pregnant or have been pregnant in the past year, this screening tool is used to assess how you are feeling. Please check the answer that comes closest to how you have felt in the past seven days, not just how you feel today. Your responses will remain confidential.

I have felt happy:

Yes, all the time

Yes, most of the time – This would mean: “I have felt happy most of the time” during the past week.

No, not very often

No, not at all

Please complete the other questions in the same way. The EPDS is not intended to make a diagnosis of clinical depression. An accurate diagnosis for depression and other psychiatric disorders can only be made by a qualified medical or mental health professional after a complete evaluation, including a physical exam to rule out any medical illnesses or conditions.

Your responses to these questions are strictly confidential.

In the past 7 days:
  • 1. I have been able to laugh and see the funny side of things...
  • 2. I have looked forward with enjoyment to things...
  • 3. I have blamed myself unnecessarily when things went wrong
  • 4. I have been anxious or worried for no good reason
  • 5. I have felt scared or panicky for no very good reason
  • 6. Things have been overwhelming me
  • 7. I have been so unhappy that I have had difficulty sleeping
  • 8. I have felt sad or miserable
  • 9. I have been so unhappy that I have been crying
  • 10. The thought of harming myself has occurred to me

    Your answers show you might be at risk for harming yourself.

    You are advised to see your doctor or a mental health professional immediately for a complete evaluation. Call 1.844.493.TALK (8255) or visit www.coloradocrisisservices.org for immediate assistance.

If you have had ANY thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, please tell your doctor, midwife, nurse practitioner or mental health professional immediately, OR go to your nearest hospital emergency room. Call 1.844.493.TALK (8255) or visit www.coloradocrisisservices.org for immediate assistance.

Please answer all questions before proceeding.
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All responses to screening tools on this site are completely anonymous. Results from the screening tools are intended to identify risk and not to diagnose or treat. The information provided here cannot substitute for a full evaluation by your medical or mental health professional. Discuss the results of your screening with your medical or mental health provider.